Who’s Who Recognizes WM. J. A. SULLIVAN, BA, MA, ABD


Wm. J. A. Sullivan, BA, MA, ABD is an accomplished poet, artist and scientist from Baltimore, Maryland. He is highly educated. He studied engineering, psychology and literature at The Johns Hopkins University. He also pursued his interest in literature at Johns Hopkins, studying at The Johns Hopkins Writing Seminars under Elliott Coleman and receiving, with honors, an M.A. degree in poetry and fiction in 1973. He later studied poetry with David St. John at The Johns Hopkins University Summer Writers’ Conference in June 1986. In March 2002 he attained the Master Degree in the Reiki method of Natural Healing from the Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho under Michael Smith.

From 1954 to 1970 William was employed by The Johns Hopkins University Department of Medicine; while there, his work was cited in numerous scientific journals and he co-authored two scientific papers:

D. Kumar, M.D.;  T. Wagatsuma, M.D.;  William J. Sullivan, Jr.; Allen C. Barnes, M.D. : “In Vitro Hyperpolarizing Effect of Progesterone on Humam Myometrium.” Am. J. Obst. Gyn. 90: 1355, 1964.

T. Wagatsuma, M.D.;  W. J.Sullivan, Jr., A.B.; D. Kumar, M.D.: “In VitroProgesterone Effects On Potassium Flux in Humam Myometrium.”  Am. J. Obst. Gyn.” 98: 1050, 1967.

He is a mycological consultant for the MD Poison Center, University of MD School of Pharmacy.

He has also had a long career in art, literature and poetry. He has a sculpture titled ‘Black Box’ in the deCordova Museum in Lincoln, MA. He exhibited his sculptures and was guest critic at Gallery One in Baltimore in 1963.  His teaching career ranges from instructor and tourney director of the oriental game “Go” for the Mayor’s Office of Special Projects in Baltimore to teaching English at Essex Community College and mathematics at Towson State University in Maryland. Since 1975 until 2012 he participated in the Maryland Poets-in-the-Schools Program and taught poetry in elementary and secondary schools. He has also taught poetry and fiction in community centers and in special workshops for senior citizens and nursing home residents.

William’s poems, short stories and articles have appeared in several literary journals, anthologies and magazines, including Icarus, Johns Hopkins Magazine, Celebration, and The Journal of Wild Mushrooming. He received the Maryland State Arts Council Individual Artist Award in Poetry in 1990, for which he also received $2,500.00. He lives in Baltimore with his dog and cat and his business partner. He has a personal library of over seven thousand volumes of which some ten percent are books of poetry.

Who’s Who Member Wm. J. A. Sullivan, BA, MA, ABD can be found on the Who’s Who Directory where he is looking forward to networking with you.